Come To Algeria
My video has finally been published. It is a college project advertising an Algerian Exchange Program. I was the video taper and editor.
Visit it over here:
My video has finally been published. It is a college project advertising an Algerian Exchange Program. I was the video taper and editor.
Visit it over here:
Posted by
1:38 PM
This is an article that came about in the oddest way possible. My friends and I where sitting around in the front of the dorm when my best friend and roomate came in. She was wearing her cheerleading uniform becuase she came back from practice and then this girl microwaving something yelled out “Don’t waste your time trying to be a wannabe gymnist, everyone knows cheerleading is not a sport.” Personally all of us were offended. We felt very well that cheerleading in one way or another was a sport. That was Friday night.
Saturday morning I was bored. I had just finsihed writing a term paper so I was still in research essay mode. I was kinda tired yet relaxed so I threw together this essay. The research if pretty amature. So heres the quote:
“…most solid pyramid. Coordination is key for cheerleaders.
The dictionary states that a sport is an activity involving physical activity and competing. That means that you have to do something athletic and you have to compete. Things like basketball and football are easily defined as sports because of what they involve. The definition of che… “
Posted by
6:40 PM
I am so happy that December has finally came. I have been waiting for what seems like forever. Some things that make it special to me are:
-My mom's birthday
-My brother's birthday
-The break
-The holidays
This are what I am looking forward to but I don't know if I am going to have time to even shop for presents for everyone else!
Posted by
1:34 PM
I am really shocked by what I heard happened yesterday. While I did not particiapte in the crazy sales I did hear a lot about them. According to the news many people got hurt while trying to enter the stores. People got trampled over and bruised. I was pretty shocked.
I stayed at home and found out I got offered 8 dollars for my video. I was amazed. My goal submit more articles and maybe even video to AC.
Posted by
1:19 PM
I will with my family for the next few days. Thanksgiving is tommorow so I will keep you guys updated about everything when I come back.
Posted by
1:14 PM
I recently submitted a few things to AC. Now I am in the process of waiting for offers. According to people in the forums I will have to wait a couple of days in order to get an offer.
The details are:
-I sumbitted one video advertising a foriegn exchange program to Algeria. I originally had it as a project for school.
-I submitted an arguement about whether cheerleaing was a sport or not. It was sparked by an arguement we had in the dorm.
Wish me good luck. Happy Late Aniversary to my parents.
Posted by
1:07 PM
I realized at the moment I am not very organized. I often do not get things done. I was looking around to find a fool proof system to help me prioritize and work everything out. It seems to me that things are not going my way.
I love Thanksgiving. I start thinking about how much money I should donate but I dont think I will have anything anytime soon. Did I mention I love turkey?
Posted by
1:01 PM
Today is my birthday and I would like to tell everyone who helped throw my party thanks. Same goes to everyone who came. I love the gifts. My iDog and I are really bonding. I am really getting used to the pinkness of it.
I was to busy to tell my dad and cousin Rishad happy birthday on the 21st I hope you liked your gifts.
Posted by
12:55 PM
I recently got a prepaid phone plan. It helps me based on how much I earn I can change how many minutes I have. They also have very good text and multimedia plans.
This is how my week turned out:
-I have two articles ready for AC
-I have not been on mylot.
-I have one freelance gig.
Posted by
10:35 AM
I would like to publicly wish my cousin Nadya a happy birthday. I hope you have many more to come.
I would also like to take note that I wrote three AC articles but am waiting to submit them till Novemeber. I don't really know why I decided this but I am going to wait so that I have some more to submit.
I was given a small two week job to write about iPod the pay isn't that much but I believe I will be fine for now.
Posted by
10:02 AM
You might be wondering why I am raving about October but there is a number of reasons. The main reason is that my birthday is coming up at the end of the month. I know that birthdays do not mean much as you get older but its fun to think about the day as your own.
THe following events are coming up:
-3 cousins birthdays
-My daddy's birthday
-My birthday
-The fall formal
Stay posted to find out more about these events.
Posted by
12:28 PM
Its the middle of September and it is freezing outside. My feet have already cramped up. You all probably understand where this is going. My goal of saving as much money as possible is getting to a rocky start.
Here is an update:
-I still have not found an article worthy of AC to post. No money from there.
-myLot is not working out as well as I wished it had.
-I personally do not believe in adsense.
With this I have to pay a huge gas bill becuase I am scared of getting more sick than I am already.
Posted by
12:23 PM
I would like to publicly tell my Aunt C. happy birthday. I hope your 36th is going to be one to remember. I also hope that you have even though I could not make it there.
Posted by
12:18 PM
I can still remember that day pretty well. Coming home from school and my mom is sitting down starting at the tv. That is very unregular in my house. Around 3 my mom is normally making a snack for my little brother and planning dinner. I come in the room to tell her that I want to go to the mall and she just kept on starring at the TV.
The next thing I knew was that I heard a crash I stared at the tv and sat on the ground beside mothers chair. There was a commericial break shortly after that so my mom decided ot call family in New York to see how they were. She called every number she could think of but no one answered. That worried my mom even more. Her whole family was there and she couldn’t talk to them.
Finally my dad came home. I was relieved. It gave me a sense of added security. The rest of the day basically followed the fact that my mom decided she didnt want my brother or I to go to school the next day. That was good for me becuase I had two tests that I was not ready for at all.
Posted by
12:17 PM
Mixed Up is a place for everyone. I am student who loves writing even though I am majoring in law. Isnt that funny? I currently write for the fun of it and recently found a wonderful site Associated Content. It is a wonderful site where you can submit writing and videos for money. Think about it. Who wouldnt love money for the video they made and will probably never use. I got $8 dollars from it. Just today I got offered $5 for this article that took me 15 minutes to write.
Well I guess I am going off topic on this so let me get back to what I was saying. This is how it is going to work from now on. I am going to post a link to an article I wrote. I am going to summarize it. If you want to read it just click on the link. Some of my favorite articles will posted in the link section.
Stay tuned,
Posted by
12:10 PM